OII Europe Publications
#MyIntersexStory now translated into Turkish
#BenimİnterseksHikayem We are very happy to present the Turkish translation of our testimonial book “#MyIntersexStory – Personal accounts by intersex people living in Europe” with fifteen testimonies by intersex people and their families and with…
OII Europe Intersex Refugees & Asylum Seekers Flyer
Intersex refugees and asylum seekers can often experience a range of additional problems due to being intersex. OII Europe is working towards increasing intersex sensitivity and knowledge among professionals working with intersex refugees and asylum…
Polish translation of the Legal Toolkit and Checklist by our Polish colleagues: https://www.interakcja.org.pl/2022/10/29/dzien-wiedzy-o-interplciowosci-2022/ “Z okazji Dnia Wiedzy o Interpłciowości przedstawiamy Państwu polską wersję językową podręcznika oraz towarzyszącej mu listę kontrolnej. Jest to jedno z naszych działań mających na celu budowanie świadomości na temat naruszania praw…
Good Practice Map 2021
Today, on the 17th of May 2022, OII Europe is proud to present its 2021 Good Practice Map! The map highlights advancement achieved in 2021 towards the better protection of intersex human rights across Europe.
OII Europe Annual Report 2021
The year 2021 was again shaped by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, and it continued to impact our activities and processes within OII Europe. Yet we were able to carry on with our work towards advancing…
Zaštita interseks osoba u Evropi: Priručnik za pravnike i zakonodavce
We are excited to present the Serbian language translation of the OII Europe and ILGA-Europe Legal Toolkit “Protecting Intersex People in Europe: A toolkit for law and policy makers”. This edition has been made in…
#MyIntersexStory now translated into Spanish & French
We are very happy to present our translated editions, in Spanish and French, of our testimonial book “#MyIntersexStory – Personal accounts by intersex people living in Europe” with fifteen testimonies by intersex people and their…
Supporting your intersex child – A parents’ toolkit (Italian version)
We are happy to present our Italian parents toolkit “Supporta lə tuə bambinə intersex” in the Schwa-version! Il testo originale in inglese usa “they” (“loro”) piuttosto che lui o lei come pronome neutrale per tuttз,…
Good Practice Map 2020
Today, 17th of May 2021, OII Europe is proud to present the Intersex Good Practice Map 2020. The map features nine examples of good practices from the areas of policy action, data collection, monitoring, legal…
OII Europe Annual Report 2020
Despite all the challenges we faced in 2020, we managed to continue our advocacy work for intersex people’s human rights. We are still here and we will continue to grow as an organisation and advocate…
Podpořte své intersex dítě
Je to dívka, nebo chlapec? To je otázka, kterou si po narození dítěte kladou rodiče po celém světě. Mnoho z nich na tuto otázku bez většího přemýšlení dokáže odpovědět. Pro nemalý počet rodičů však hledání…
Të Mbështesësh Fëmijën tënd Interseks
Çfarë është interseks? A është djalë apo vajzë? Kjo është pyetja që shtrohet në të gjithë botën kur dikush lind. Shumë prindër do t’i përgjigjen kësaj pyetjeje pa u menduar gjatë. Por për një numër…