Welcome to OII Europe!
OII Europe (Organisation Intersex International Europe) is the umbrella organisation of European human rights based and intersex-led organisations.
Find out more about our work here:

We offer a range of informational materials on intersex ready to read online or for download, such as toolkits (for allies, parents, and for law and policy makers), flyer, infographics, or specific topic pages.

We are part of the growing global intersex community. Over the last decade intersex people around the world have formulated strong and clear demands for their human rights of bodily integrity and self-determination.

If you an intersex person feel free to reach out to us. We have member organisations in many European countries and speak many languages. Also, check our multilingual community website with basic information on intersex in 30 languages:
Annual Good Practice Map
The OII Europe Good Practice Map features good practice examples of positive change for intersex people within Europe. From legislation that improves the lives of intersex persons to funding opportunities for intersex-led human rights organisations the map covers a range of areas.

Please visit our Campaign page
The OII Europe Campaign website is a great place to start to explore certain aspects of intersex life: There you will find our Intersex Awareness Weeks campaigns, which each year highlight a topic such as Intersex Refugees and Asylum Seekers, how to depathologize intersex, or about the realities of Intersex Seniors.
OII Europe Publications
A selection of our toolkits and our Covid-19 Report
New Resource! Our Intersex Refugees and Asylum Seekers Toolkit is now available for download

Supporting your intersex child – A parents’ toolkit
Is it a boy or a girl? This is the question that is asked the world over when someone gives birth. Many parents will answer that question without much thought. But for a significant number the answer will be more complex.

Intersex Refugees & Asylum Seekers – Flyer
Our new flyer highlights specific needs of intersex refugees and asylum seekers and provides a list of recommendations what current migration policies should do.

Protecting Intersex People in Europe: A toolkit for law and policy makers
The toolkit describes the areas of life in which intersex people are most vulnerable to violations on the basis of their sex characteristics, and provides detailed guidance on what to do to minimise or eliminate these violations.

Standing up for the human rights of intersex people – how can you help?
Are you a policy maker, a health professional, a human rights defender, a teacher? We can all play a role to better respect, protect and promote the human rights of intersex people. Learn, how you can become a great intersex ally.
Key Documents & Publications

Human Rights and Intersex People – by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe 2015

The fundamental rights situation of intersex people – European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) 2015

“First, do no Harm” Amnesty International, 2017

United Nation 2024

European Paliament 2019
Dedicated topic pages
A selection of our growing topic section
Latest Posts

Do you want to support our work?
You could share our materials, become an intersex ally or simply donate to OII Europe today!
You can find us on Social Media here
Want to learn more about the experiences of intersex people living in Europe in their own voices?
Read our 108-pages strong brochure “#MyIntersexStory – Personal accounts by intersex people living in Europe” with fifteen testimonies by intersex people and their families and with fifteen colourful illustrations by intersex artist and OII Europe staff member Ins A Kromminga. This book also includes a text by intersex scholar and sociology professor Janik Bastien Charlebois “On our own terms and in our own words”: The value of first-person accounts of intersex experience.
Check out our campaign website under

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