Law Beyond the Binary in Europe and Central Asia – Survey
Are you non-binary? Do you live in Europe or Central Asia? Are you 18 years or older? If so, OII Europe wants to hear from you! Along with ILGA Europe, Transgender Europe and four academic…
IGM Ban Indicators now available in French and German
We are happy to share two new translations of the OII Europe “Indicators for effective protection of the rights of intersex people, in particular protection from IGM”! You can now download both the French version…
Intersex Refugees & Asylum Seeker – Flyer, now available in German, Greek and Polish!
We are excited to present our newest translations of the Intersex Refugees & Asylum Seeker flyer into three European languages: More on the topic Please also visit our dedicated page on Intersex Refugees and Asylum…
Unterstützen Sie Ihr intergeschlechtliches Kind
We are happy to present the German translation of our parents toolkit Supporting your intersex child – A parents’ toolkit! This version has been amended with information on the situation in Austria and Switzerland. The…
Intergeschlechtliche Menschen in Europa schützen: Ein Toolkit für Gesetzgeber_innen und politische Entscheidungsträger_innen
Wir freuen uns die deutschsprachige Übersetzung des Legal Toolkits von OII Europe und ILGA-Europe„Protecting Intersex People in Europe: A toolkit for law and policy makers„ präsentieren zu können. Die deutschsprachige Version wurde von OII Germany…
Die Menschenrechte intergeschlechtlicher Menschen schützen – Wie können Sie helfen?
We are excited to present the German translation of our toolkit “Standing up for the human rights of intersex people”