Law Beyond the Binary in Europe and Central Asia – Survey

Are you non-binary? Do you live in Europe or Central Asia? Are you 18 years or older? 

If so, OII Europe wants to hear from you!

Along with ILGA Europe, Transgender Europe and four academic organisers, OII Europe is partnering on a survey of non-binary people and the law in Europe and Central Asia

Our aim is to explore how people whose gender identity is on the non-binary spectrum experience the law, and whether those people would like to see the law changed to better accommodate their gender identity. The project hopes to create a clearer understanding of how the ability (or inability) to access identity documents with accurate sex/gender markers impacts the daily lives of non-binary people in Europe and Central Asia. 

As part of the project, you will complete an online survey where you will be asked questions about yourself and your experiences of the law. You can answer the survey in English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Dutch or Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin. The project will also give you the opportunity to tell us about whether/how you think the law should be reformed to better respect non-binary people. 

The project is open from 1 February 2025 – 30 April 2025 

** Take Part in this Project **  

You can participate in the project study if: (a) you are 18 years or older; (b) your gender identity is on the non-binary spectrum; and (c) you live in Europe or Central Asia. Before you take part in the study, you will have to read an Information for Participants Sheet and give your consent to take part in the study. After the survey, there may be an opportunity (but no obligation!) to take part in online focus groups

Ultimately, by increasing knowledge and awareness – among policy makers, civil society, academic researchers and the general public – the project hopes to contribute to the work of developing legal systems which are more inclusive of people whose gender identity is on the non-binary spectrum. 

The study is being organised by Peter Dunne, CQ Quinan, Joz Motmans and Marjolein van den Brink. ILGA-Europe, Transgender Europe and OIII Europe are partnering with the organisers to design and run this study. The study is funded through a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (PI, Dr Peter Dunne, Grant No: MR/W011654/1). You can contact the organisers at Ethical Approval for this study has been received through the University of Bristol Law School Research Ethics Committee [].