Press Releases
52 States call to protect the human rights of intersex people at the United Nations
PRESS RELEASE updated: 06.10.2021 (number of signed States) Growing, cross-regional group of countries calls on UN member States to combat violence and discrimination against intersex persons “Unless immediate action is taken, severe human rights violations…
EP resolution on gender-based violence
European Parliament takes a strong stand for combatting all forms of gender-based violence, including those against LGBTIQ people in its newly adopted resolution
European Parliament urges for the protection of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the EU for all
OII Europe Press Release – Download as PDF On Thursday 24 June 2021 the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the situation of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the EU, in the frame…
A good first step: Germany adopts law banning IGM. But there is still room for improvement
A good first step: Germany adopts law banning IGM. But there is still room for improvement. On March 25, 2021, the German Bundestag adopted a draft law from the federal government “for the protection of…
New EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child Affirms Rights of Intersex Children
On March 24th 2021 the European Commission published the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child. The strategy addresses key areas of children’s rights in the EU, including, but not limited to, socio-economic inclusion,…
European Parliament declares the European Union an ‘‘LGBTIQ Freedom Zone’’
On Thursday 11 March 2021 the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the declaration of the EU as an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone (2021/2557(RSP))1. By 492 votes in favour, 141 against and 46 abstentions, MEPs reiterated…
UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy acknowledges violation of intersex children’s human rights
On 25 January 2021 the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy, Joseph A. Cannataci, released the report: Artificial intelligence and privacy, and children’s privacy. Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy,…
Belgian House of Representatives adopts resolution on protecting intersex rights
On Thursday 11th of February 2021, members from all the parties present at the plenary session of the Belgian House of Representatives unanimously adopted the “Resolution for recognizing the right to bodily integrity of intersex…
Covid-19 Survey Report
Survey shows: intersex people are highly vulnerable during the Covid-19 pandemic Press Release 09. December 2020 (Download this press release as PDF) Today, 9th of December 2020, OII Europe published the survey report ”Covid-19. A…
A milestone: European Commission publishes the first ever EU LGBTIQ Strategy
Download our press release as PDF Today, on the 12th of November 2020 the European Commission has published the first ever EU LGBTIQ strategy. It is the first policy framework specifically combatting discrimination against LGBTI…
Not a ban. Albania misses the chance to clearly address intersex children’s health from a human rights perspective
OII Europe Press Release July 16, 2020 In July 2020, the Albanian Ministry of Health released a “Medical Protocol for the Assessment of Children with Atypical Genital Development” (“Protokoll Mjekësorpër Vlerësimin E Fëmijëveme Zhvillim Gjenital…