OII Europe Strategic Plan 2019 – 2022
What is the Strategic Plan 2019 – 2022? The Strategic Plan 2019 – 2022 is OII Europe’s first strategic plan. The document brings together the collective ideas of our members, the Steering Board and of…
Protecting Intersex People in Europe: A toolkit for law and policy makers
We are delighted to present you with this toolkit and accompanying appendix and checklist so that we can work together to ensure the protection of all people on the basis of sex characteristics, including those…
Good Practice Map 2018
Today, 13th of May 2019, OII Europe launched the first ever Intersex good practice map at the IDAHOT+ Forum in Oslo. In our Good Practice Map 2018 you find a compilation of good practice examples…
OII Europe Annual Report 2018
We are happy to present our activities and successes of 2018 within our Annual Report 2018! You can download the Annual Report as a pdf here:
We are excited to present the Polish translation of our toolkit “Standing up for the human rights of intersex people”
A groundbreaking resolution has been adopted by the UN Human Rights Council on the elimination of discrimination against women and girls in sport.
A groundbreaking resolution has been adopted by the UN Human Rights Council on the elimination of discrimination against women and girls in sport. For the first time it notes with concern the discrimination faced by…
A Milestone for Intersex Rights: The European Parliament adopts landmark resolution on the rights of intersex people
Today, on the 14th of February 2019, the European Parliament has adopted a landmark Resolution on the Rights of Intersex People. By adopting this resolution, the European Parliament sets a clear standard within the European…
Austria tops Germany’s bad practice example – no self-determination for the Austrian 3rd gender marker
On the 20th of December, shortly before the holiday, the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior issued a decree on the official implementation of the third gender entry. Like in Germany a medical certificate is…
Really Germany?
Germany misses the chance for basing its 3rd gender marker law on human rights. On December 13th Germany adopted the so-called 3rd gender marker law which establishes “diverse” (German: “divers”) as a third gender marker…
My Intersex Story
This video was created during OII Europe’s Second Intersex Community Event and Conference in Copenhagen in February 2018. Text by Mathilde and other participants of the Community Event.
Protect Intersex Children!
Being born and growing up as an intersex person in today’s society can still be a challenge. However, with love and awareness of everyone, of parents, doctors and institutions, it is possible to grow and…
Apoiar a sua criança intersexo
É rapaz ou rapariga? É esta a pergunta que é feita em todo o mundo quando alguém dá à luz. Muitos pais e muitas mães responderão a essa pergunta sem terem de pensar muito. Mas…