Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act (Malta 2015)
By making sex assignment treatment and/or surgical intervention on the sex characteristics of a minor unlawful, until the person can provide informed consent Malta has taken vital steps to ensure that the individual’s primary rights…
Launch of “Human Rights and Intersex People” (CHRCoE) and “The fundamental rights situation of intersex people” (FRA) Recording of the intersex side event of May 12th at IDAHO Forum 2015 in Montenegro where the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, Council…
Press Release: Two milestones for intersex human rights in Europe on the same day
OII-Europe PRESS RELEASE Two milestones for intersex human rights in Europe on the same day. At the IDAHO Forum 2015 in Montenegro, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and the Fundamental…
Statement of OII Europe on Intersex, Disability and the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
Introduction The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the latest human rights treaty body to address the violations of the rights of the intersex community. The Committee’s recommendations to the Federal Republic…
Press Release: OII-Europe applauds Malta’s Gender Identity, Gender Expression And Sex Characteristics Act
This is a landmark case for intersex rights within European law reform On the 1st of April 2015 a historic reform is taking place within the Maltese law code. With the Gender Identity, Gender Expression…
OII-Europe applauds Malta’s Gender Identity, Gender Expression And Sex Characteristics Act
This is a landmark case for intersex rights within European law reform As the year 2014 comes to a close historic reform is taking place within the Maltese law code. With the addition of sex…
We applaud the statement of the Conference of the German Ministers for Women and Equalities
In October 2014 the Conference of the German Ministers for Women and Equalities affirmed that interventions that modify the sex characteristics of an intersex person constitute human rights violations referenced in Article 2. Abs. 2…
Statement of the European Intersex Meeting in Riga, 2014
On Wednesday, the 8th of October the European Intersex Meeting took place in Riga. Under the umbrella of OII Europe and facilitated by ILGA Europe, this meeting gathered European intersex organisations working for intersex human…
“Intersex people lack recognition in Europe” – Comment by Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe’s Human Rights Commissioner
A boy or a girl or a person, intersex people lack recognition in Europe On 1 March, Fox News presenter Clayton Morris had to apologise for his “ignorant and stupid” comments mocking the new gender…
Public Statement by the Third International Intersex Forum
1. Dezember 2013 Between 29 November and 1 December 2013, the Third International Intersex Forum, supported by ILGA and ILGA-Europe, took place in Valletta, Malta. This event brought together 34 activists representing 30 intersex organisations…
A preliminary study on the life situations of inter* individuals
Human Rights between the Sexes A preliminary study on the life situations of inter* individuals With the present study by Dan Christian Ghattas the Heinrich Böll Stiftung names the largely invisible discrimination against intersex individuals…
OII Europe and ILGA-Europe Statement on the adoption of a historical intersex resolution by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
ILGA-Europe and OII Europe welcome the adoption of the resolution “Children’s right to physical integrity” by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe which for the first time ever addressed the issue of bodily…