Global consultation on a common statistical framework on gender-related killings of women and girls (Femicide/Feminicide)
Submission by OII Europe 21.05.2021 From the introduction: We applaud the initiative of the UN to develop a common approach on gender-related killings of women and girls (femicide/feminicide) for statistical purposes. This is a very…
Preventing and combatting gender-based violence and domestic violence against intersex individuals – Submission
The European Commission launched a consultation to gather the views of the public on the measures taken by the EU Member States to address gender-based violence against women and domestic violence. The purpose of the…
OII Europe Submission on Hate Crime and Hate Speech
Bias and detestation against intersex people have been entrenched in society for a long time without being perceived or addressed as such, and, as a result, the lived reality of intersex people is full of…
Submission to the European Court of Human Rights: M against France
The present case concerns the breach of bodily integrity through sex-assignement procedures on intersex children and the obstacles faced when seeking reparation before the Courts.
Intersex children and the violation of their right to privacy
OII Europe submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy Submission 30. September 2020 Intersex children experience severe breaches of their right to privacy The right to privacy includes a wide range…
Submission to the European Court of Human Rights: Y against France
From the introduction: These written comments are submitted on behalf of OII Europe (Organisation Intersex International Europe e.V.), ILGA-Europe (European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association), and C.I.A. (Collectif intersexes…
EU Strategy on victims’ rights (2020-2025) Joint submission
One component of work under the Victim’s Rights Directive relating to violence against women and girls is combatting female genital mutilation (FGM). In order to also address the human rights violations that intersex infants and…
Protecting LGBTQI rights in Europe. Submission to CM/Rec(2010)5
[You can find the report on the ILGA Europe and TGEU website as well.] OII Europe has joined forces with ILGA and Transgender Europe on the submission to the second review of the Council of…
Statement of OII Europe on Intersex, Disability and the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
Introduction The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the latest human rights treaty body to address the violations of the rights of the intersex community. The Committee’s recommendations to the Federal Republic…