Parents’ Toolkit
Supporting your intersex child – A parents’ toolkit
What is intersex?
Is it a boy or a girl? This is the question that is asked the world over when someone gives birth. Many parents will answer that question without much thought. But for a significant number the answer will be more complex.
To jump directly to the English original version, click here
Also check out this beautiful video “Protect Intersex Children”
Soutenir son enfant intersexe
Est-ce un garçon ou une fille ? C’est la question que tout le monde pose quand un·e enfant vient au monde. De nombreux parents répondront à la question sans trop d’hésitation. Mais pour un certain nombre…
İnterseks çocuğunuzu nasıl destekleyebilirsiniz?
Oğlan mı, kız mı? Birisi doğum yaptığında tüm dünyada önce bu soru sorulur. Anne ve babaların bir çoğu bu soruyu pek düşünmeden yanıtlar. Bazıları içinse bunun yanıtı daha karmaşıktır. İnterseks çocuğunuzu nasıl destekleyebilirsiniz? (PDF)
Að styðja intersex barn – leiðarvísir fyrir foreldra
Er það strákur eða stelpa? Þessi spurning er borin upp um allan heim þegar barn fæðist. Margir foreldrar svara spurningunni umhugsunarlaust. En fyrir talsverðan fjölda fólks verður svarið flóknara Að styðja intersex barn – leiðarvísir…
Supporting your intersex child – A parents’ toolkit
Is it a boy or a girl? This is the question that is asked the world over when someone gives birth. Many parents will answer that question without much thought. But for a significant number…
Υποστηρίζοντας το ίντερσεξ παιδί σας
Είναι αγόρι ή κορίτσι; Αυτή την ερώτηση κάνουν σε όλο τον κόσμο όταν γεννιέται ένα παιδί. Πολλοί γονείς θα απαντήσουν σε αυτό το ερώτημα χωρίς πολλή σκέψη. Αλλά για ένα σημαντικό αριθμό η απάντηση θα…