Please welcome our new steering board members!
Our new Co-Chairs are Magda Rakita, who recently joined the board and Kristian Ranđelović. Also joining the board are Kaisli Syrjänen and Tobias Humer (secretary), and continuing her work as treasurer is Audrey Aegerter.

Also, we would like to honour and heartily thank our previous board members who are stepping down this year!
During our General Assembly on 26 February 2022 many of our senior board members retired from their volunteer positions. We are grateful and cannot thank enough our previous board members for their dedication, commitment and overall voluntary services to building and steering OII Europe over the past few years, many since the founding days: Daria Aleksandrova, Kitty Anderson, Miriam van der Have, Irene Kuzemko, Ev Blaine Matthigack, and Pol Naidenov. Without their invaluable contribution, OII Europe would not be able to develop into the successful and professional organization it is today!
We wish them all the strength, support and success in their work on the national and regional levels.