We are happy to present the german translation of the Issue Paper on “Human Rights and Intersex people” by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Mr. Nils Muižnieks!
The paper comprehensively maps how the medical norms of so-called female and male bodies have led to routine, non-consensual, medical interventions based on the misheld belief that sex is a dichotomy.
The document also highlights the shame and secrecy around intersex bodies that allow these practices to go on for decades now, while the human rights of intersex people have been at stake and, for the most part, unaddressed.
Hier gehts zum PDF-Download des Themenpapiers in deutscher Übersetzung
(This digital version contains only the German text – the printed version includes the English original text – english download here )
Die deutschsprachige Version des Themenpapiers wurde ermöglicht durch die Unterstützung von: